Join a Support Group

ALS United North Carolina holds VIRTUAL Support Groups each month for persons with ALS, caregivers, family and friends ages 16 and over ("Families with Children" support group are welcome to have children under 16 attend). Meetings provide information on topics related to ALS and encourage connection for sharing and creating an informal support network.
Meetings are topic-based and not regional-based.




ALS Information Support Group

Focus is for those who are interested in learning and discussing topics related to ALS. Discussion/participation by attendees is encouraged or you can just join to learn something new.

3rd Sunday of every month, 2:00 - 3:00 pm

Call In Information:

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 954 4703 2624
Passcode: Info123
or Dial using phone only: 309-205-3325 
Meeting ID: 954 4703 2624   8390685

Facilitator: Joanna Nunez, LCSW
Contact: or (910) 390-0851


Mindfulness & Meditation Support Group

Focus  is to provide space for attendees to build community while cultivating mindfulness and self-compassion through a combination of meditation and stillness.

2nd Monday of every month, 6:00-7:00 pm  

Call In Information:

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 964 1588 0471
Passcode: MM123
Or Dial In using phone only 305-224-1968 
Meeting ID: 964 1588 0471   Passcode: 466448

E. Belleau, LCSW /

Veterans with ALS Support Group

Focus is for Veterans with ALS, who are 2-3 times more likely to develop ALS. We will discuss unique needs, experiences, VA benefits, and resources unique to those that have served in the Military.

2nd Tuesday of every Month, 6:00 - 7:00 pm

Call in Information:

Join Zoom Meeting: 
Meeting ID: 983 7079 0407
Passcode: Vet123
Or Dial using phone only: 689-278-1000
Meeting ID: 983 7079 0407  Passcode: 445811

Facilitator: Joanna Nunez, LCSW or (910) 390-0851

Connect, Share & Chat

Focus is to discuss what's on your mind - besides ALS. Anything from hobbies, sports, food or whatever your interests are while learning something new. It can also be a great place to make connections with others in the ALS community.

4th Tuesday of every month, 6:00 – 7:00 pm

Call In Information:

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 982 5025 3401
Passcode: Chat123
Or dial In using phone only: 507-473-4847
Meeting ID: 982 5025 3401   Passcode: 4763803

Alicia Richardson, MSW / contact: alicia@alsnc,org or 919-390-0119

Mental Health Matters

Focus is to offer support with depression, loneliness and the everyday struggles related to ALS.

3rd Thursday of every month, 6:00 - 7:00 pm

Call In Information:

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 938 3145 5772
Passcode: MH123
Or Dial In with phone only: 719-359-4580
Meeting ID: 938 3145 5772   Passcode: 841850

Facilitator: Joseph Peters, LCSW


Caregiver Chat Time with Meg

Focus is for Caregivers of persons with ALS to connect, chat and learn of resources. This group is for caregivers only.

1st Thursday of every month, 7:00-8:00 pm &
2nd Thursday of every month, 7:00-8:00 pm

Call in Information:

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 932 5042 9625
Passcode: Care123
Or Dial using phone only: 305-224-1968
Meeting ID: 932 5042 9625   Passcode: 5100837

Facilitator: Meg Whitaker, MSW

ALS Genetic Support Group

Focus is to discuss and learn information regarding Familial ALS by a genetic counselor.

*This Meeting meets quarterly*
4th Monday of every 3rd month, 6:30 - 7:30 pm.
Meeting months: March, June, September, December

Call in information:

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 940 1442 3267
Passcode: Gene123
Or Dial In using phone only: 360-209-5623
Meeting ID: 940 1442 3267   Passcode: 9157019

Facilitator: Lauren Baldwin, MS, CGC

Bereavement Support Group

Support for those who have lost loved ones to ALS and opportunity to meet others traveling down the same journey of grief.

3rd Wednesday of every month, 7:00 - 8:00 pm

Call In Information:

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 983 6437 0040
Passcode: Love123
Or Dial In 646-558-8656
Meeting ID: 983 6437 0040   Passcode: 5792100

Facilitators: Certified Grief Counselors
Sherri McCormick-Smith /
Rachelle Flowers /

Hertford Area Support Group

This group is not facilitated by ALS United North Carolina; it is considered a ‘friends of ALS’ group.. It is facilitated by the Jim "Catfish" Hunter Foundation.

When: Typically meets on 2nd Monday of every month, 1:30 - 3:30 pm
Where: Perquimans County Library, 514 S. Church St., Hertford, NC

Please contact Sherry or Tommy Harrell ,at 252-426-5145 for more information and confirmation of dates.

Families Navigating ALS Consultation

Lily Cola, MSW, offers one-on-one consultations to help families explain ALS to children or young loved ones and can provide support while navigating this transition. Reach out for personalized guidance and support to foster understanding and resilience in your family. Call or email to schedule.

Phone: 919-3900120

Why Come to ALS Support Groups?

Support groups exist entirely for you, the person with ALS, and your family or loved ones to connect with others and receive support from the ALS community. Here is a list of some things ALS connection groups provide:

  • A forum to share information and practical experience, whether it’s learning how to improve physical function, discussing new drug trials, or experiencing the latest augmentative technologies all geared to helping you live more fully with the disease.
  • A safe place to allow your emotions to speak for you. The group offers an unparalleled opportunity to learn how other people cope with various problems similar to yours, to see that patients and family members are not completely unique, and that others experience the same type of feelings and emotions about the disease as you do.
  • An educational gathering spot where speakers and caregivers address subjects of major interest and exchange; how to incorporate physical and occupational therapy into your life; how to counteract problems in swallowing and chewing; safeguards that can help you avoid pulmonary complications; and ways of coping with depression and caregiver “burnout,” among many other topics.
  • A place to witness firsthand the constant miracle of people continuing to live productive, fulfilling lives in spite of having ALS.

Support groups are a great resource for people to maintain control over their lives, to give and take the wisdom and experience that comes from living with a devastating illness. Put these meetings at the top of your calendar; they belong to you. Your presence there will open doors you never knew existed.

Questions about support groups? Please contact the group facilitator below for the group which interests you or Claudia Beirne at or 919-390-0125.